Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept. 1 - 2

Melinda's week is going very well. Tuesday Melinda got her feeding tube taken out. She missed aquatic therapy that day but it is a relief to get that tube out of her stomach. On Wednsday morning PT and Melinda went to the gym and placed a mat on the floor and layed down as if she had fallen with no help to get up. She tried to get up without no help or very little. We are still a long way from her doing this on her own. Her trunk still needs to be strengthened and her whole right side is still week with limited mobility. This exercise completely wore Melinda out. She was very tired after that. It was a very good exercise for her to work on her entire body. In the afternoon she had another swallow test done. She did well on the thin liquids from a spoon. She tried thin liquids from a cup. The first time she did good. The second time she aspirated a small bit. The ST okayed to give liquids by spoon but only the ST can give Melinda thin liquids by cup right now. They are working on getting a drink and tucking her chin to swallow and after swallowing completely then she can raise her head.
Things continue to improve and we are grateful.
The therapists are all starting to make preparations for Melinda to come home. They are giving her pep talks about continuing to work hard at home and giving her things to work at and exercises to do. Melinda's short term memory is getting better every day and she is getting stronger.
We are excited about being able to come home but we have a long way to go. Keep Praying. Our prayers are being answered. Praise God and God Bless.


  1. Melinda,
    Hang in there.I was very excited when I read that you got to go shopping and that you got to go visit your sister for her birthday. We wish that you can join us soon at school we all miss you very very much. We especially miss all of your stories that you told, and how you always seemed to make us laugh.

  2. Giel You will be home in no time Thanks to God Now remember all those exercises & do them With God's help you will running in no time Love You Bunches Greg abd Brenda
