Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17

Melinda slept all night long and was still tired this morning when the nurse came in to get her ready for therapy sessions. She was tired, had a head ache and her body is sore from working muscles all week that have not been worked for such a long time. Melinda had a hard time concentrating and giving a strong effort during the morning sessions and the therapists noticed her change but still worked her. Melinda received some Tylenol and got to lay down during lunch hour and she seemed to do much better during the afternoon. After her afternoon sessions she layed back down and has slept all evening. She is very tired but she is working hard and giving all she can to get better. Melinda will still have some therapy sessions over the weekend but not as much so she will get a chance to rest and get ready for next week. Melinda has made huge strides just in the first week of being here. Please keep praying for Melinda and J0n.
God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so well and I am glad you get a chance to take a break. You need a good rest so you can work hard next week. I am here, Melinda and you know this. I am by your side even when I am not there. God is good, always remember that. I love you Sissy.
    Hugs and Kisses from Leann, Bryan, and Britany
