Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28

Melinda had a good night and was wide awake this morning to start her therapy at 8:30 am. The Occupational therapist Jenna came in and helped her get dressed and ready for the Physical therapist session with Theresita and Elizabeth. We all went down to the gym to do some more walking. Theresita said they will use the same walker from yesterday since it was so effective. We start with Theresita walking behind Melinda and holding on to her in case her legs start to buckle. Elizabeth sits on a foot stool with wheels and follows along the side to help with her right leg. I stand in front to guide the walker and encourage her to keep going and don't give up. Melinda pushed herself and she amazingly walked 70 steps! Yea!!! Melinda said, she will try to do 130 steps tomorrow and we believe she will. The Speech therapist Jenny asked, Melinda are you hungry? She said, Yes! She had pureed mashed potatoes w/gravy, green beans, peaches and custard pudding. Melinda was very excited and handled swallowing all her food correctly. Jenny said, sometimes with a brain injury it doesn't work properly and can't let the person know they are full. Jenny said, she will monitor Melinda closely. OT is doing stretches on Melinda's right arm and hand to loosen up the muscles. The therapist and doctors will have their weekly meeting tomorrow and will talk about Melinda's progress. We are truly blessed and thankful for everyone's continued prayers and support. God bless!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy!!! That sounds good...haha...Great job, Melinda! This is amazing progress so keep it up! We love you so much and don't go a day without thinkin' about you. Oh and in my conversation with God last night, He mentioned that He loves you more than anybody could ever love you. :)
    Hugs and Kisses! Leann, Bryan, and Britany
