Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend & Monday

Melinda had a good weekend and rested after a long week of therapy. Her oxygen is good at 96% and up and she hasn't had any problems breathing since the trachea was removed. Melinda is getting stronger in all therapy sessions and we are seeing big improvements. Melinda went to the gym and used an assisted walker that allows her to have support under her arms and walk. She walked 14 ft... took a small break and walked 20 ft. She is a trooper and we are so proud of her!! Speech therapy is working with Melinda to accentuate her words to make the words sound clearer. She is doing so well eating applesauce that the therapist is letting her eat lunch tomorrow for the first time. Yea!! She will have pureed mashed potatoes and vegetables. MM GOOD!! OT asked her, do you want to work in the gym or take a shower? She said take a shower. I said, the only reason she wants a shower is so she doesn't have to go down to the gym and work. OT asked her, is that true? "She grinned really BIG and said yes". The therapist said, you are ornery. Since she wanted a shower they went to the gym and worked on strengthening her right arm. We ask that you continue to pray for Melinda and Jon and we appreciate all the prayers, love, support we have received. God Bless you.

"Melinda wants to thank everyone for all the prayers, visits and cards she has received. She really appreciates it."


  1. You are an amazing sister :) I am extremely proud of you! Yay! Lunch tomorrow! Haha... God Bless you, Melinda. You need a little break, you deserve it. I can't wait to see that big grin ;)
    We miss you, Melinda
    Hugs and Kisses from Leann, Bryan, and Britany

  2. I wish I could see that pretty smile of yours You are amazing with the help of God, of course May he bless you Our prayers are answered Love you 'Pickle" Greg & Brenda
