Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20

Melinda had a good day today. She is getting better and quicker at getting herself dressed in the mornings. She is starting to use her right hand a little to grab and hold items to help put clothes on like her socks. She is not very strong with it but she is trying. She still needs a little help with holding her legs up over her other knee so she could reach her feet. She also worked at standing at the bathroom sink and working at balancing herself and reaching for items and using her hands and fingers to do things like twist caps off or flip caps to open them.
PT's morning session worked on Melinda's balance also and her trunk strength, then walked a little at walking with the walker. In the afternoon session PT came to the room and Melinda walked with the walker in the hallway. She walked all the way around the nurses station back to her room, took a breather and then did it again. When she remembers to keep her hips under her, lean a little forward, and stand up straight and tall, she looks really good walking and she seems to walk better.
ST is still working on Melinda's short term memory and pronunciation of her words. Her memory is getting better. She is still needing to work on her lung capacity and air intake. Melinda was told Wednsday that they set a tentative release date of two more weeks and she was excited and has not forgot that for sure. She asks about every 30 minutes how many more days she has left till she can go home. She also asks quite often about her school and if they have started and if she will be able to graduate with her class.
Thank you everyone and God bless.


  1. The time God gives us is precious time, use it well "Pickle" Love you Bunches Greg & Brenda

  2. Dear Melinda,
    We all miss you very much. We wish the very best of luck. We hope that you will be able to join us at school soon. We can't wait until you are able to come home we are thinking about making a trip to woodward to see you.

  3. hey mel rae i am so proud of how well you are improving. i miss you very much and i cant wait till you get home.. i have a couple of things for you when u do get home. You keep on working hard and i will see you soon, and cant wait till share stories wit you again because you where the only one i felt i could truely trust.. i love you so much mel rae.. and if you want my number so we can talk have your mom email me at and i will get it to her..

  4. Wonderful!!! You will be walking by yourself in no time. Well I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. It will be one of the best birthdays I will ever have! Hugs and Kisses from Me, Bryan, and Britany
