Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4

Melinda worked hard in therapy, by the end of the day she was very exhausted and ready for bed. Melinda's speech therapist, Jenny tested her with some crackers and pudding. She passed with flying colors. Her meals have been upgraded starting tomorrow. Melinda will have another swallow test next week to see if she can drink thin liquids. Talking to PT Teresita, Melinda would benefit aquatics (water)therapy. Since she had a staph infection that was cleared up with antibiotics months ago, she is still labeled isolation precaution. The doctor ordered a nose swab and urine culture to see if the staph infection is still active. In PT, Melinda is working her hips back and forth and is in a lot of pain with her right pelvis(fracture) but keeps going. The music therapist Suzy is working with Melinda to show excitement in her words, to use different pitches in her voice. Melinda is always smiling, polite and pleasant to every one around her. The nurse gave her a shot in her tummy and she said, "Thank you, but it really hurt". "That's Melinda!" When she looks in the mirror, she sees a big difference in her looks. I said, "I see my smiling, caring, big heart, ornery, loving beautiful daughter." I told her to stay strong, don't lose faith in God and lean on him for strength. Melinda and Jon are both working hard to get well so they can come home. Please continue to pray, pray, pray!!! Amen!!

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