Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6/16/09 update & 6/17/09 day update

Melinda rested all morning since she did not get any sleep through the night. Dr. Huff came in and said he wants to start weaning Melinda off the ventilator tomorrow. Melinda had a really good afternoon and was alert and moving her left leg a lot. Physical therapist put Melinda in a chair for about 25 minutes. Melinda on command did a high 5 and lifted up her left index finger. Melinda is still coughing a lot. Around 8:00 pm respiratory was cleaning stuff out of Melinda's lungs and she would not stop coughing and the lidocaine did not help. Melinda continued coughing till 11:00 pm and was very exhausted. Melinda managed to get some rest through the night.

Dr. Huff came in this morning and I told him about her coughing for hours last night and he ordered a CT scan of Melinda's chest today. Dr. Huff decided not to do any weaning off of the ventilator until the results are in. Dr. Huff said they will monitor Melinda's hemoglobin and did not want to do a scope procedure right now. Physcial therapy did a 30 day assessment on Melinda and she did very well. The therapist said Melinda really understands what they are asking her to do but it is very difficult for her. Melinda's broken pelvis is healing fine and does not hurt her as much when she is moved. Dr. Smith said maybe another 1-2 weeks on the neck brace.


  1. Melinda it is Coach Kellie! The students and I were so excited to get to see you today. We just wanted to let you know we love you and we will continue to keep you in our prayers!

  2. Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
    Praise Him according to His excellent greatness....Let everything that has
    breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
    Psalm 150:2-6

    Melinda, you are doing a great job, Praise the Lord!!! I love you!
    Leann, Britany, and Bryan

  3. Glad you told Dr. Huff about the coughing. Apparently the nurses didn't note it in the chart. I'm glad he listened to you and ordered the CT scan. That's the way you have to do it, just keep talking until someone listens. You are by her side and you can tell what's going on with her. The nurses have so many other patients but you have only one...
