Thursday, June 18, 2009

6/18/09 update

Melinda had a little better night and managed 4-5 hours of sleep. Melinda's blood pressure, heart rate remain stable with medication and her oxygen is stable at 99 - 100% but her breathing is still high at 30 breaths per minute. Dr. Huff reviewed the CT scan and said he did not see anything else on Melinda's chest but the pneumonia. Dr. Huff said Melinda is coughing because of the pneumonia and is breathing to hard and will not be able to wean her off the ventilator until she heals or she stops coughing. Melinda's coughs are very forceful and she can't handle not being on the ventilator. Physical therapy sat Melinda in a chair for over an hour and she handled this well. Melinda's pelvis did not hurt her and her vitals were stable. Melinda recognized her oldest sister Leann, niece Britany and grandpa. Melinda was giving out lots of kisses and was trying to talk. This was an amazing day for all of us. Thank you for all the support we have received through this difficult time and please continue to pray for Melinda and Jon.


  1. I am so honored to be a part of this family... a family who can tell the world that we have a member in this family who is a miracle of God! What an honor! Melinda, you went from having a very poor prognosis to being a living breathing miracle revealing the awesomeness of God. I can't even begin to imagine being in your shoes, but just know that you are a child of God and he is using you to show the world, to show us, your family, just how amazing He is. When the news we were getting wasn't good and the prognosis was very poor, I prayed believing that God would heal you, no matter what the doctors said.... and He did.... He is! and all the glory and praise goes to Him.

    love you all


  2. Lord, you are so amazing! Even though there are hard times and things happen that we don't expect, we still praise you. Fill Melinda's heart with the holy spirit. Allow the holy spirit to cover up the pain. We praise you. Amen
    Melinda I had a great day today and I know you did as well. I love you with all my heart. Hugs and Kisses
    Leann, Britany, and Bryan
