Saturday, May 2, 2009



Melinda had another good night. She is looking better daily and her color is good. Melinda looks like she is just sleeping. She is coughing due to her pneumonia but the nurses explained that her lungs are strong and that the coughing helps greatly so it will break up the pneumonia. The pressure in her brain is starting to level off. Last night the doctors decided to hold off on weaning Melinda off of her pain medicine but decided to begin this morning instead. Her vital signs are very good and the doctors are pleased with her progress.

Melinda continues to improve every second of every day and we are VERY excited! Since the accident Melinda's beautiful hair was in knots so the nurses decided to give her the cutest buzz cut and put a green bow in. This will be replaced with a purple bow since purple is her favorite color.

Thank you for keeping Melinda in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Christy, I'm so glad you made this blog. I tried to call your dad and I left a message but he never called. Hollis wanted to know what he could do and I told him the one thing I always seemed to need down there was cash. Dennis was at OU for 40 days and i know what kind of environment it is, so I'm going to be pryaing for added strength for you. If you ever need to talk just call or email. 580-227-0313 or We also have a carepage at You have to make a username and a password then our page is named DENNISBOYER. Stay STrong, Your cousin, Cheri Boyer

  2. Hey Sis--
    Just got off the phone w/ Blue and she said Melinda is slowly improving. I'm so glad to hear that.
    Melinda, you and the rest of your family are in my prayers. Thank you for creating this blog.
    Luv ya--
    Lana Kuehler
