Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Sorry no update last night. We set with Melinda till visiting was over and went to bed early.

Melinda had a good day yesterday after they removed the drain tube from her head. She gets agitated when they do treatments or move her into a new position. I know with the broken ribs and pelvis that she hurts every time she moves. The doctors are watching her closely and if she does well the rest of the week they might do surgery on her pelvis.

Last night before visiting was over was a little hard to watch. Melinda was hurting and was moving and figiting. She kept grabbing and rubbing her ribs. She would get painful looks on her face. Mom sang to Melinda to try to settle her down and she opened her eyes while her mom was standing there singing.

She also developed a fever and the nurse gave her some Lortab with acetomenaphine to try and settle her down. That did not work so they gave her something a little stronger and she had settled down and began to rest again before we had to leave at 10:00 p.m. Christie called the nurse a while later and the nurse said the fever had gone down and she was resting.

Please continue to pray for Melinda. God Bless.


  1. Thank you so much for keeping us informed. We continue to lift your family in prayer.
    Wishing you peace,
    Jacque Hickman

  2. Its so good to hear things are getting better. Love you all. Courtney
