Thursday, May 21, 2009



We arrived at the hospital this morning and the nurse says Melinda had a rough time last night. Melinda's heart rate and blood pressure jumped up really high. The nurse gave Melinda some more medicine to bring it down. Melinda also had a low grade fever. The doctor ordered her to be put back on the ventilator to help her breath since she was struggling. Melinda's nurse said with all of the activities yesterday tired her out and rest is what she needs today.

Melinda's doctor said she has an infection some where. He says they will wait for her fever to spike up and then do a culture on her blood to determine where the infection is. They don't want to just give her a bunch of antibiotics because she will come immune to them. They will wait to get the correct antibiotic.

Melinda's rehab doctor checked on her today and said she is to only sit in the chair for 30 minutes because of her broken pelvis. The doctor ordered some medicine to wake Melinda up and this will take days to see any results. The medicine is given 2 times a day.

**We love each and every one that has said a thought or prayer for Melinda.


  1. Melinda,

    This is from Ruth Murray...Alecia is here at my house showing me how to post comments to you. I love you and think of you each and hope you are dong better...Tiny says HI also!!

    Bye for now,

  2. Hey Christie;
    Just wanted you to know that I am keeping up with your daughters progress and she is in our prayers daily and so are you!! She is a beautiful girl. God's miracles are the things that we live for and I pray that he continues to work them for Melinda!! Take care of youself too!! Blessings.
    Debra Wyatt
    Major County D.A's Office

  3. From experience with my son, I know that putting her back on the vent for a little bit also helps her body not have to work hard on breathing but can concentrate on healing the infection, too. It's hard for a body to work on so many things at one time.. waking up, moving, keeping back infection, breathing, healing...etc. Don't you worry that it may be a set back, it's not. Everything's working out as it should. She'll be coming around in no time. Just remember that beautiful smile.

    Your cousin,

  4. Thank you so much for keeping up with this post. I look forward to reading it each day. I praise God for the doctors, nurses, and specialists who surround Melinda and you. God is working through them as he is through the people who love you. We are praying for your family and these professionals each day. Jacque Hickman
